Round table Flexibility of education in the field of agriculture with special emphasis on multifunctional agriculture
19. 3. 2023
Karlovac, Croatia
On Friday, March 15, at Karlovac University of Applied Sciences Round Table on the topic "Flexibility of education in the field of agriculture with special emphasis on multifunctional agriculture" was held. The round table was organized within the AgriNext project.
During the Round Table panelists Danica Ramljak (World Bank), Vesna Hrvoj Šic (Ministry of Science and Education), Heidi Cipriš Madunić (Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education), Antonija Šoštarić (AGRIVI-private sector-Digital Platform for Agriculture), Antonija Halar (School of Natural Sciences Karlovac) discussed the need to improve multipurpose vocational education and training in agriculture in order to encourage excellence and green jobs in rural areas, as well as the possibilities of making education more flexible in the above mentioned area. The moderator of this panel was Vlatko Grgurić, the longtime host of the national television show "Fruits of the Land".
The goal was to find solutions that meet the needs of employers, are in line with pedagogical practice and are suitable for implementation at the national level. The final result of the discussion will be a proposed draft for the flexibility of education in the field of multifunctional agriculture.