Guidelines for Guidance Service Model (GSM) Users to Support Multiple Stakeholders

31. 5. 2024

Valuable guidelines to support multiple stakeholders, including career counsellors, educators, and policymakers involved in the agricultural sector, have been prepared by AgriNext partners.

The AgriNext project's "Guidelines for Guidance Service Model (GSM) Users" is a comprehensive resource designed to enhance the understanding and implementation of guidance services within the multifunctional agriculture (MA) sector. Funded by the Erasmus+ programme, this document serves multiple stakeholders, including career counsellors, educators, and policymakers involved in the agricultural sector.

The guide details the framework of both existing and newly proposed GSMs that support the multifunctional agriculture labour market. The existing model provides a structured approach to career guidance, connecting job seekers with employers and educational opportunities in the MA sector. It integrates a robust network of guidance service providers and outlines the roles of various stakeholders in the job market.

The new GSM model, introduced in this document, expands on the original by incorporating advanced information exchange mechanisms and fostering greater interaction among all parties involved. This model is designed to respond dynamically to the evolving needs of the job market and to facilitate systematic changes in national education and employment policies.

Key enhancements proposed include the development of a centralized information exchange spot (IES) and a business incubator that will serve as hubs for knowledge, skill exchange, and innovation in rural development. The guidelines also propose strategies for increasing digital competencies among students and teachers and emphasize the importance of continuous professional development for guidance service providers in adapting to market changes.

The aim of these guidelines is not only to inform but also to empower stakeholders by providing them with the necessary tools and knowledge to effectively navigate and influence the multifunctional agricultural job market. By doing so, AgriNext hopes to contribute significantly to the socio-economic viability of rural areas, promoting sustainable development and innovation in agricultural practices.


The Guidelines for Guidance Service Model (GSM) Users are available here.