Business incubators
Business incubators for Rural Excellence established across participating countries (Croatia, Ireland, Slovenia, and Spain) will create a dynamic and collaborative learning environment for students, farmers, agripreneurs, teachers, trainers, employers, guidance service providers, mentors, educational and research institutions, civil societies, policymakers and other stakeholders to develop multifunctional agriculture skills and competencies, aligning with digital innovations, climate-resilient, and circular economy.
The AgriNext Incubator is more than a learning lab and application centre — it is an ecosystem for innovation, entrepreneurship, education-business collaboration, and rural excellence.
The Incubator will support the following objectives:
- Offer an established system of continuous exchange between employers, teachers, trainers and guidance service providers, to respond to the skills needed.
- Raise students and learners who are highly skilled, motivated, entrepreneurial, and aware of the importance of C-VET and lifelong learning.
- Establish an interaction between teachers, trainers, mentors from companies, students, and researchers.
- Support individualisation of the learning process.
- Promote rural development & vitality by demonstrating and highlighting the opportunities of multifunctional agriculture.
- Help to increase digital competencies among students and teachers.