Professional agricultural school Križevci
Educational program name
EQF level
Short Summary
A dairy farmer is engaged in the production of milk on the farm, collection, processing, packaging, storage and sale of milk and milk products.
Milk, dairy products, production
Publicly financed and free
of charge
Certificate of final work
3 years
ECTS or Hours
ECTS 180
Key skill set
Analyzing and planning work related to milk production,
Preparatory activities that precede the production of milk and dairy products, Milking of cattle/milk production, Taking care of the health status of dairy cattle (mothers and young), Processing and production of milk and dairy products, Controlling the production process of milk and dairy products, Administering dairy operations, Business communication, Ensuring the quality of milk and milk products, Applying measures to maintain hygiene and protect health and the environment in the production of milk and milk products.
crop and livestock production
Entry conditions
Completed elementary school; Medical certificate of a specialist in occupational medicine
Learning outcomes
In their work, milkmen are guided by a predetermined methodology and standards of processing dairy products and monitor the quality of milk and dairy products. The milkman takes and prepares samples for physical-chemical and microbiological analyzes of milk and dairy products. He/she also keeps records of samples and analyses, records of production of milk and milk products, and documentation related to sales in stores. Maintains hygiene of machines, equipment and premises. He/she can also perform minor repairs of machines and devices. During the education, the milkman becomes familiar with food processing technology, the nutritional needs and demands of users, the suitability of certain foods for the human body, and the role and significance of microorganisms in the food industry. Get to know the nutritional values of foods and the importance of milk and milk products in the diet. Dairy farmers must know the type, storage and preparation of packaging used in the production of drinking milk. Knowledge of hygienic and technical regulations and requirements, methods of processing, preservation, packaging and storage of milk and milk products is important for performing the profession of milkman. Important knowledge that a milkman acquires during education is also knowledge about the quality and hygienic integrity of food, because he/she prepares products for human consumption, and hygienically incorrect food can be the cause of various diseases or poisoning. A milkman must know how to use machines in the dairy industry and know their maintenance, as well as the functioning of auxiliary machines and devices. He/she is equally responsible for the protection of the environment, the proper functioning of the means of work and equipment, as well as for the protection of health. Effective communication (written and oral), ability to work in a team environment, ability to adapt and work effectively in a constantly changing environment, problem-solving skills, persistence, responsibility, effective and rational management of resources, readiness for lifelong learning and orientation to work results.