Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb
Educational program name
Agrarian economy
EQF level
Short Summary
Agricultural economics is a specialty within agricultural sciences, which studies and interprets the field of economics of agricultural production, agricultural input industry and food industry, entrepreneurship and services in the rural area, and agrarian and rural policy.
Agriculture, economy
Applicants who enroll for the first time in the first year of undergraduate studies do not pay participation in study costs. Applicants who were already enrolled in one of the regular study programs in the Republic of Croatia pay participation costs (€111
Diploma of Bachelor's Degree in Agricultural Economics (univ.bacc.ing.agr)
3 years
ECTS or Hours
ECTS 180
Key skill set
Consulting for decision-makers in the agricultural sector on issues such as financing methods, designing a marketing strategy, developing agriculture and rural areas, creating policies, initiating and conducting scientific and professional research, and decisions in the primary production segment. Knowledge of agribusiness and rural development, developing abilities for team and individual work and business communication.
agricultural management
Entry conditions
Completed high school for at least 4 years, passed the state matriculation exam, properly registered at NISpVU
Learning outcomes
Recognize and explain the specifics of agriculture as a primary and biological activity and the impact of these specifics on the economics of agricultural production. Identify the elements of business success in agriculture and the food industry and the elements that determine the economic role of agriculture in the national economy. Recognize biological and economic laws in agricultural production and in making micro and macroeconomic decisions in the development of agriculture and rural areas. Select, apply and interpret economic indicators for the assessment of business success in agricultural operations (OPG, trades, cooperatives, enterprises) using standard mathematical and static methods and methods of economic analysis. Describe and explain models of production, supply and demand of agricultural and food products on the national and international market. Prepare and present an expert report, study and/or proposal of project documentation in the domain of agricultural and rural development (in accordance with the basic standards of the Common Agricultural Policy of the EU). Propose methods of making micro and macroeconomic decisions in agriculture in different agroecological and agroeconomic conditions. Organize field research in the domain of agriculture and rural development. Lead a professional project in the domain of agriculture and rural development and/or participate in it. Start and independently run a business in the field of agriculture. To reach the level of knowledge and skills for continuing education in the domain of agronomy and related sciences.