Centro de Competencias (MAPA, Universidad de Córdoba y Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)

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Educational program name
Precision livestock applications.
EQF level
Short Summary
The course will allow participants to learn about the main precision farming technologies, both in the field of intensive and extensive farming, dedicated to the massive acquisition of data, ideally on individual animals, to improve decision-making by the different actors. of the sector in order to improve production efficiency, environmental impact and animal health and welfare. The course will present existing solutions at a commercial level and the main lines of research and innovation in the pre-commercial phase. In addition, the procedures for collecting, transmitting and analyzing data from sensors will be critically evaluated, in order to establish the advantages and limits of the different technologies, allowing students to select the most appropriate technologies for each case in the exercise of their work. professional
Agriculture, Livestock
certificate of achievement
33 hours
ECTS or Hours
Not defined
Key skill set
Main precision farming technologies, both in the field of intensive and extensive farming, dedicated to the massive acquisition of data, ideally on individual animals, to improve decision-making by the different actors. of the sector in order to improve production efficiency, environmental impact and animal health and welfare. The course will present existing solutions at a commercial level and the main lines of research and innovation in the pre-commercial phase. In addition, the procedures for collecting, transmitting and analyzing data from sensors will be critically evaluated, in order to establish the advantages and limits of the different technologies, allowing students to select the most appropriate technologies for each case in the exercise of their work. professional
food processing
Entry conditions
Students: Maximum: 40. or Minimum: 25.
Learning outcomes
Basic competences: That students possess the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will have to be largely self-directed or autonomous. o General competences. Ability to apply the knowledge acquired to solve problems in new situations, analyzing information from the environment and synthesizing it efficiently to facilitate the decision-making process in companies and professional organizations in the agri-food sector. o Transversal competences: That the student knows how to use information and communication tools that allow them to propose solving new problems within contexts related to their area of ​​study. o Specific skills: Appropriate knowledge and ability to develop and apply precision farming technologies in the agri-food and forestry sector.