100% On-line
Educational program name
OCCUPATIONAL RISKS IN AGRICULTURE COURSE: Online Course in Prevention of Occupational Risks in Agriculture
EQF level
Short Summary
The objectives that are intended to be achieved through this training are the following:- Know the basic concepts of work and health in order to improve the health levels of the working population.- Make the worker aware of the possible risk factors.- Know how to apply the methods of action and corrective measures in case of danger.- Know the negative effects on health originating in the work environment.- Assimilate safety guidelines in the handling of hazardous chemicals, substances and preparations.- Identify hazards and risks that may arise in the workplace and know the measures to establish a preventive plan.- Know the importance of acting in first aid.- Know the importance of the risks derived from agricultural activities, specifically in the use of machinery for these tasks. _ Describe the risks derived from safety conditions in agricultural work.- Describe the risks associated with the use of chainsaws, brushcutters, tractors, motor hoes, use and placement of implements.- Know the risks associated with the use of phytosanitary products."
Agriculture, ORP
certificate of achievement
50 hours
ECTS or Hours
Not defined
Key skill set
Know the basic concepts of work and health in order to improve the health levels of the working population.- Make the worker aware of the possible risk factors.- Know how to apply the methods of action and corrective measures in case of danger.- Know the negative effects on health originating in the work environment.- Assimilate safety guidelines in the handling of hazardous chemicals, substances and preparations.- Identify hazards and risks that may arise in the workplace and know the measures to establish a preventive plan.- Know the importance of acting in first aid.- Know the importance of the risks derived from agricultural activities, specifically in the use of machinery for these tasks. _ Describe the risks derived from safety conditions in agricultural work.- Describe the risks associated with the use of chainsaws, brushcutters, tractors, motor hoes, use and placement of implements.- Know the risks associated with the use of phytosanitary products."
agricultural policy
Entry conditions
No conditions
Learning outcomes
This course offers training as a technician in risk and accident prevention in the agricultural sector, in accordance with current regulations. At the end of the training activity, the student will have basic knowledge of occupational health and risk prevention in the agricultural sector, specifically in the risks associated with the handling of machinery and phytosanitary products, and will be qualified to carry out the preventive functions included in the Regulation of Prevention Services.