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Educational program name
Cattle Production. Beef and dairy cattle
EQF level
Short Summary
The objective of the following course is to make known the importance of bovine production for obtaining both milk and meat, in the different production systems established today, intensive and extensive systems. The production of bovine meat and milk are worldwide important, occupying the first positions of consumption. The topics that make up this course focus on the main existing cattle breeds, the main nutritional aspects and management techniques, emphasizing animal reproduction, main diseases and digestive disorders and the best accommodation and facilities necessary for optimal production. Also, there is a section that describes the main aspects and quality attributes in meat and cow's milk. Finally, there will be a topic related to animal welfare, an argument that is becoming more important every day in terms of animal production and breeding.
ungulates, ruminants, cattle, zebu breed, dairy breeds, meat breeds, dual-use breeds, steer, calf, bovine spongiform encephalopathy, extensive systems, weaning, feedlot, concentrated feed, silage, grazing, artificial insemination, stabling, fodder, Rotational grazing, free grazing, intensive, pasteurization, embryo transfer, semi-feeding, natural breeding, rut, suckling calves, grazing calves, colostral calf, white meat calf, milk replacers, carcass, pink meat calf, hay, yearlings, beef cows skew, hypermetric, subcutaneous fat, anabolic, pituitary, mesomorphic, rump, udder, lactation, butyrometric fat, total solids, gregarious, dry matter, digestible protein, fiber, carbohydrates, hypomagnesia, legume, grass, portion, oilseed, palatability, starch , anti-nutritional substances, rumen, reticulum, omasum, abomasum, bacterial fermentation, protozoan, volatile fatty acids, cud, esc esophageal discharge, lactoglobulins, bloat, colostrum, mastitis, protein by-pass, body condition, acidosis, unifeed, ketosis, cellulolytic bacteria, ruminotomy, immunoglobulins, probiotic, fluidizer, starter feed, feed-lots, mixer, anabolic, testosterone, progesterone , catabolism, neurotransmitters, clenbuterol, stud, polyestrous, cervix, proestrus, corpus luteum, estrus, embryo, electroejaculatory, Flehmen reflex, eutocic labor, dystocic labor, fetotomy, oxytocin, amniotic fluid, metritis, pyometra, micelles, lumen, cavity alveolar, acetate, butyrate, lactose, propionate, sphincter, castration, ear tag, ruminal bolus, teat, dehorned, reared, hearth, boxes, bed, cubicles, headlock, self-locking, slurry, white water, handling sleeve, monogastric, tuberculosis, foot-and-mouth disease, prions, endoparasitosis, coproparasitoscopic, trematodes, ectoparasites, mange, tetany, myofibril, glycogen, DFD meats, petechiae, flavor, myoglobin, actomyosin, cell somatic ulas, animal welfare.
Private certification
100 hours
ECTS or Hours
Not defined
Key skill set
Bovine production to obtain both milk and meat
crop and livestock production
Entry conditions
No conditions
Learning outcomes
Upskilling on bovine production to obtain both milk and meat