Grm Novo Mesto - centre of biotechnology and tourism

Novo Mesto
Educational program name
Agricultural-entrepreneurial technician
EQF level
Short Summary
Agri-business technicians are trained in different areas of agriculture to enable them to plan, manage, monitor and carry out work independently in crop and livestock production and complementary activities. They also acquire entrepreneurial skills during their training. Agribusiness technicians can be employed on farms, estates, agricultural cooperatives, shops, rural development agencies, garden centres, etc.
agriculture, entropeneurial skills, farm business
Vocational matura certificate
2 years
ECTS or Hours
ECTS 120
Key skill set
entrepreneurial skills, planning, managing a farm, crop and livestock production, complementary activities
agricultural management
Entry conditions
The programme can be attended by anyone who has completed the programme of secondary vocational education and acquired one of the following titles: gardener, florist, agricultural machinery mechanic, farmer, farming housekeeper, forester, country farmer.
Learning outcomes
The holder of the certificate is qualified to: plan and organise work on an agricultural holding in view of the existing situation, while respecting agricultural legislation and principles of sustainable development; manage and monitor work in plant or animal production as well as supplementary activities; work in plant and animal production as well as supplementary activities, while also taking into consideration the principles of environmental protection; identify agents causing disease symptoms and those that harm plants, select a suitable measure to be undertaken and implement protection measures; safely use and handle harmful or dangerous substances and agricultural production and breeding waste as well as prevention of environmental pollution; safely use agricultural machinery, devices and tools, and perform basic maintenance work on them; harvest and store crops; provide advice in the acquisition and sale of crops, agricultural products and services, and intermediate goods for the requirements of agricultural production and breeding; prepare a simple business plan for agricultural production and draw up calculations; market crops and agricultural products and services; work independently with accuracy and a sense of responsibility; co-operate in a group, communicate with co-workers, specialists and customers in oral and written form using the fundamental agriculture-specific terminology; communicate with co-workers, customers and others in the organisation of work and implementation of specific tasks and problem solving; use modern information and communication technology to communicate, plan and organise, implement economic work and work processes at work; protect and use natural energy and raw material resources in a rational manner; Optional: Agricultural machinery management manage, clean, maintain, preserve and implement minor repair work on agricultural machinery; Rural tourism prepare an offer of a tourist farm, preserve the town’s cultural and culinary heritage, and work with guests at the tourist farm; Growing mushrooms and herbs grow mushrooms and herbs; Biomethanisation implement technological procedures of biomethanisation; Maintenance and arranging the natural landscape maintain and arrange the natural landscape; Biological treatment plants and composting plants set up and maintain a plant waste treatment facility and compost heaps; Organic farming grow plants and breed domestic animals organically; Enology carry out grape-harvesting and various procedures of processing grapes as well as maintain and store wine; Basics of forestry implement fundamental restoration and cultivation work in the forest; Production of vegetables grow, harvest and store vegetables. In addition, the holder of the certificate also upgraded his/her key professional skills and competences with key general knowledge and skills in line with national standards.