Celje School of Horticulture and Visual Art, Higher Professional School

Educational program name
Horticultural engineer
EQF level
Short Summary
A horticultural enginner is trained to plan, manage, organise and promote horticultural work. The training combines theoretical and practical knowledge of plant production, landscaping, designing commercial and residential spaces with flowers, etc. The landscaped parks, plantations and gardens that delight and relax are also the work of trained horticultural technicians. Horticultural enginners are employed in nurseries, florists, greenhouses, orchards, nurseries, arboretums, botanical gardens, landscaping companies, etc." Horticultural engineers are a level above horticlture technicians & can perform more advanced tasks.
horticulture, business, engineer
Short cycle higher vocational diploma
2 years
ECTS or Hours
ECTS 120
Key skill set
managing work, organising work, horticulture skills,
Entry conditions
Matura or vocational matura (previously school-leaving examination) or master craftsman, foreman or managerial examination, three years of working experience and passed examinations in general education subjects in a scope determined for the vocational matura in secondary professional education.
Learning outcomes
Students will be able to: (general competences) develop a moral and ethical sense for honesty, accuracy and conscientiousness at work, protect the landscape, physical space and environment, manage, plan, organise and supervise technological and production units, use a foreign language to keep abreast of technical developments abroad and to communicate with professional terminology, develop the aesthetic appearance of products and services, use selected statistical methods for data processing, keep abreast of new developments and develop the profession, communicate for successful work with people in Slovenia and elsewhere, (specific vocational competences) organise and manage the preparation of the land in establishing green areas, solve problems in supplementing and adapting planting plans to the requirements of the physical space, and in transferring the measurements and layout of constructed and green elements from plans to the ground, organise procedures for tending and maintaining green and constructed elements and green areas, keep production and technological documentation and cooperate with various institutions, research the market, formulate offers and price lists and conclude contracts, manage and supervise working groups and work to assure the quality of services in horticulture, independently organise, manage and implement the process of decorating, designing and changing or arranging interior and exterior residential and commercial premises with flowers and plants, manage projects associated with production, sale and design of spaces with plants, arranging landscape and arranging sports and recreational areas, lead and supervise groups to manage sports and recreational areas, improve native and foreign language skills to keep abreast of developments and fashion trends, use ICT and the basics of statistical methods of data processing that are essential for high-quality and effective operations, and planning of work procedures and systems, improve foreign language skills to keep abreast of technical developments abroad and to communicate with professional terminology, enhance and maintain the health and protection of the landscape, countryside and urban environment, gain self-confidence and decisiveness regarding business decisions based on analysis and evaluation of their own work, and implement improvements, develop a moral and ethical sense of honesty, accuracy and conscientiousness at work, and contribute to the general culture of the working environment, pursue sustainable development and conservation of the countryside and the cultural, natural and urban landscape, promote Slovene products and services, and master integrated market strategies, marketing methods and brands in horticulture, introduce new dimensions of the countryside into the physical space.