Gobierno de la Comunidad de Madrid, Escuela Superior de Hostelería y Turismo de Madrid

Nombre del programa educativo
Technician in Marketing of Food Products
Nivel EQF
Resumen breve
Able to design and start small businesses based on the food industry, make statements and budgets, have knowledge of food conservation and food logistics. Food trade in all the most efficient ways such as small organized distribution and the sale of food and gastronomic specialties online
Palabras clave/Temas
Food, food business, food conservation and logistics, food selling (markets and e-commerce sites)
Professional certificate
2000 hours
ECTS Puntos de crédito
hours 2000
Conjunto de habilidades clave
Food conservation, food business
food processing
Condiciones de entrada
1) Degree of Graduate in Compulsory Secondary Education or a higher academic level. 2) Basic Vocational Qualification (Basic Vocational Training). 3) Technician or Assistant Technician degree or equivalent for academic purposes. 4) Second year of the BUP (Unified Multipurpose Baccalaureate), 5) University entrance test for people over 25.
Resultados de aprendizaje
After attending this course you are able to make technical, economic and financial feasibility analysis for the establishment and start of a small food business. Apply the strategic objectives set out in the business plan to determine the commercial action line of the small food business. Establish strategies of marketing plans in the food industry to increase sales and retain customers. Manage the logistics of physical and online food stores, supervise the handling and storage of food products according to their characteristics, to ensure hygienic-sanitary conditions and the prevention of occupational risks and food safety. Manage an online food business, to achieve the goals indicated in digital marketing plans. Manage relationships with customers, users or consumers in English, monitoring operations to ensure the level of service provided.