High School "Arboretum Opeka"

Nombre del programa educativo
Assistant gardener
Nivel EQF
Resumen breve
Education with more practical classes and a focus on getting to know, growing, caring for and using ornamental plants, shrubs, trees, flowers, potted plants, greenery and other materials used in landscaping and interiors.
Palabras clave/Temas
Landscaping, growing plants, maintenance
Publicly financed and free of charge
Certificate of final work
3 years
ECTS Puntos de crédito
ECTS 180
Conjunto de habilidades clave
Organization of work in horticultural production, Cooperation and communication in horticultural production, Handling of tools, accessories and simple machines, Implementation of agrotechnical procedures in horticultural production in open and protected areas, Ecological production of horticultural plants, Production of seedlings of horticultural plants, Implementation of cultivation measures and procedures in horticultural production outdoors and in protected areas, Maintenance of perennial horticultural plants, Harvesting in horticultural production, Digital technology in horticultural production, Environmental protection and safety at work, Quality assurance of horticultural products
Condiciones de entrada
Completed elementary school
Resultados de aprendizaje
The jobs of an assistant gardener include jobs in vegetable growing, flower growing, fruit growing, viticulture, production of herbs, aromatic and medicinal plants, ornamental plants, and raising, arranging and caring for gardens and gardens with raised beds and public green areas, harvesting and storing harvested fruits and cultivated plants. The successful performance of the aforementioned tasks also includes the application of simple innovative technologies or data obtained from the same and modern gardening accessories, tools, machines such as robotic lawnmowers, pneumatic and electric shears, and the like. The job of an assistant gardener requires a willingness to perform work according to the instructions of a qualified worker, with the application of safety measures at work, compliance with environmental protection rules, a tendency to work in a team and resistance to stress.