University of Split
Nombre del programa educativo
Mediterranean agriculture
Nivel EQF
Resumen breve
The study program deals with agriculture characteristic of the Mediterranean, i.e. agricultural crops that have a long presence and traditional value in the area of Dalmatia, and the most prominent are viticulture and olive growing.
Palabras clave/Temas
Meditteranean agriculture, horticulture, viticulture
Applicants who were already enrolled in one of the regular study programs in the Republic of Croatia and applicants with citizenship outside the EU pay participation costs (€1061.78).
Diploma of Bachelor's degree in engineering in Mediterranean agriculture (university bacc. ing. agr.).
3 years
ECTS Puntos de crédito
ECTS 180
Conjunto de habilidades clave
Knowledge needed to follow the latest standards that must be met by food production, Competence in vegetable growing, flower growing, citrus growing and other fruit crops that have potential for growing in Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean ecological conditions.
Condiciones de entrada
Completed high school for at least 4 years, passed the state matriculation exam. For applicants who graduated before the introduction of the state matriculation exam, an entry exam is organized.
Resultados de aprendizaje
Identify and interpret phenomena, processes and changes in the agroecosystem, Analyze and interpret the meaning, functions and socioeconomic characteristics of agriculture in the overall economic structure of the economy, Use managerial and marketing tools in the process of managing agricultural production, that is, the agricultural economy, Describe the measures and methods of plant health protection, Organize the implementation of measures and methods in the field of plant health, Recognize the importance of applying science in agriculture and the agrosystem of your environment, Describe the sensor characteristics of agricultural products, Apply food safety systems in agribusiness from field to table, Explain the basics of EU and HR legislation in agribusiness, Discuss the topic of protected designations of origin, Make an assessment of the production capabilities of soil and fertilization, Explain the use of modern technologies in agricultural production, Explain agroecological conditions for the cultivation of different agricultural crops, Describe the construction and o to explain the function of individual plant organs and tissues, to explain the growth and development processes of plants