100% On-line
Nombre del programa educativo
AGROECOLOGY ONLINE COURSE: Postgraduate in Agroecology: Environmental Sustainability and Organic Agriculture + University Degree with 5 ECTS credits
Nivel EQF
Resumen breve
Among the objectives of the online agroecology course we highlight the following:- Provide the student in a quick and easy way with all the knowledge, skills and competences on environmental sustainability and environmental management.- Identify in a general way the most frequent contaminants that affect water, as well as master the latest techniques, models and wastewater treatments.- Know the different types of contamination in soils and the possible applicable treatments.- Identify the different types of waste generated by the different economic activities, the environmental problems that each of them presents - Know the most important aspects of renewable energy and energy efficiency.- Acquire the fundamentals related to the basic techniques for the management of agricultural exploitations with ecological methods and practices.- Expose energy saving and efficiency techniques applied to nitrogen fertilization, greenhouses and irrigation communities.- Acquire the basic fundamentals of organic farms considering the techniques to be applied, the regulations that regulate aid for their development and good practices
Palabras clave/Temas
Agriculture, agroecology, organic farming, environment, sustainable development, environmental sustainability
certificate of achievement
545 hours
ECTS Puntos de crédito
Not defined
Conjunto de habilidades clave
- Provide the student in a quick and easy way with all the knowledge, skills and competences on environmental sustainability and environmental management.- Identify in a general way the most frequent contaminants that affect water, as well as master the latest techniques, models and wastewater treatments.- Know the different types of contamination in soils and the possible applicable treatments.- Identify the different types of waste generated by the different economic activities, the environmental problems that each of them presents - Know the most important aspects of renewable energy and energy efficiency.- Acquire the fundamentals related to the basic techniques for the management of agricultural exploitations with ecological methods and practices.- Expose energy saving and efficiency techniques applied to nitrogen fertilization, greenhouses and irrigation communities.- Acquire the basic fundamentals of organic farms considering the techniques to be applied, the regulations that regulate aid for their development and good practices
crop and livestock production
Condiciones de entrada
No conditions
Resultados de aprendizaje
Thanks to the online agroecology course you will be able to specialize in the environmental aspect of a company in the agricultural field, as well as in the development of environmental sustainability and its management.