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Nombre del programa educativo
GRAZING COURSE: MF0714_1 Cattle Grazing
Nivel EQF
Resumen breve
- Define livestock management operations in grazing systems and carry them out to take advantage of the grazing resources of the natural environment. - Estimate, in view of the food resources grazed, the supplement needs and, in a practical case, prepare and distribute them sufficiently. - List the first aid applied to grazing cattle when they suffer small traumatisms and injuries of little importance and apply them if necessary.
Palabras clave/Temas
Agriculture, organic livestock, livestock farms
Accredits the Competence Units included in the Training Module MF0714_1 Cattle Grazing, regulated by Royal Decree 1375/2008, of August 1, modified by RD 682/2011, of May 13, which establishes the corresponding Certificate of Professionalism AGAX0108 Auxil
70 hours
ECTS Puntos de crédito
Not defined
Conjunto de habilidades clave
- Define livestock management operations in grazing systems and carry them out to take advantage of the grazing resources of the natural environment. - Estimate, in view of the food resources grazed, the supplement needs and, in a practical case, prepare and distribute them sufficiently. - List the first aid applied to grazing cattle when they suffer small traumatisms and injuries of little importance and apply them if necessary.
crop and livestock production
Condiciones de entrada
No conditions
Resultados de aprendizaje
This training conforms to the training itinerary of Training Module MF0714_1 Cattle Grazing, certifying having passed the different Competence Units included in it, and is aimed at accreditation of Professional Competences acquired through work experience and non-professional training. formal, via which you will choose to obtain the corresponding Certificate of Professionalism, through the respective calls published by the different Autonomous Communities, as well as the Ministry of Labor itself (Royal Decree 1224/2009 of recognition of the skills professionals acquired through work experience)