The Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia
Nombre del programa educativo
Master craftsman gardener
Nivel EQF
Resumen breve
The Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia has been performing master craftsman exams since 2000 for 52 titles of a master craftsman. Master craftsman exams are performed for the majority of occupations in short supply for which no regular secondary education programme is on offer. The obtained title of a master craftsman is an excellent opportunity for getting a job in any respective profession and a competitive edge for enterprises because the brand of a Master emphasises mastery and quality of products or services.
Palabras clave/Temas
gardening, garen care
Master craftsman's examination certificate
ECTS Puntos de crédito
Not defined
Conjunto de habilidades clave
garden care skills, garden management skills, craft activities
Condiciones de entrada
Meeting one of the following conditions:
the candidate has acquired an upper secondary vocational education (in any field) and has at least three years of professional experience,
the candidate has obtained an upper secondary professional education (in any field) and has at least two years of experience in the professional field,
the candidate has obtained higher professional education (in any field) and has at least one year of experience in the professional field.
Resultados de aprendizaje
The candidate is able to:
responsibly plan, organize and control the work processes of employees and the annual production of plants in a horticultural company,
to handle machines, devices, tools, materials, energy and time responsibly and economically in the organization and implementation of works in horticultural production,
propagate and care for propagated plants,
to plant the plants in accordance with the standards in force in the field of horticulture,
to care for and maintain the planted areas,
carry out grassing of surfaces and construction of built elements and supply them,
provide professional advice to clients in planting, arranging and caring for gardens,
organize and lead employees in their business unit, taking into account regulations in the field of labor law, rules of teamwork and management skills,
communicate with colleagues and business partners in the field of horticulture, taking into account the principles of successful business communication and etiquette and using modern information and communication technologies
comprehensively and responsibly manage and monitor the implementation of regulations and standards regarding safety and health at work and environmental protection principles in its business unit,
monitor the work processes in its business unit to achieve quality standards and implement measures to improve quality in accordance with the quality standards and strategy of the horticultural business unit,
to ensure the profitability of the business unit's operations in cooperation with other services, taking into account the legality of the business environment and regulations in the financial and economic field,
plan and implement practical training of students and the introduction of new employees in the company (content, methodological, didactic and technical).