University of Nova Gorica, Wine Growing and Winery School

Nova Gorica
Nombre del programa educativo
Diploma in wine growing and wine making engineering
Nivel EQF
Resumen breve
Students with this qualification obtain the diploma in wine growing and wine making engineering, where they must learn & prove thier skills in a 3 year long educational program.
Palabras clave/Temas
wine growing, wine making, engineering
Professional Bachelor
3 years
ECTS Puntos de crédito
ECTS 180
Conjunto de habilidades clave
wine growing skills, wena making skills, engineering skills
agricultural management
Condiciones de entrada
Matura or vocational matura; or school-leaving examination (prior to 1 June 1995) under any four-year secondary school programme.
Resultados de aprendizaje
Students will be able to: (general competences) master basic research methods in terms of observing and collecting data from publications and from their own work experience, critically assess new technologies and determine the appropriateness of their transfer to the Slovene environment, apply acquired knowledge in practice, demonstrate autonomy in work, show familiarity with wine growing, wine making and marketing, enabling more rapid adaptation of both wine growing and wine making technologies to market requirements and thereby greater competitiveness on the market, organise and monitor work, work and make decisions independently, master communication skills and cooperate actively in professional associations, demonstrate knowledge of wine as an alcoholic beverage, familiarity with its ingredients, natural properties and production processes. (subject-specific competences) solve specific problems applying scientific methods within limits attainable in technical studies, apply fundamental knowledge in practice, search and gather new information, critically assess technologies and their impact on other processes, the environment, quality and marketing, solve practical problems and develop their own theories in so doing, master communication and public appearances, use information and communication technology enabling further self-education and keeping abreast of new discoveries.