University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty

Nombre del programa educativo
Engineering diploma in forestry
Nivel EQF
Resumen breve
Forest Engineering prepares you with the skills and knowledge required to implement complex forest and natural resource operations. Forest Engineering/Civil Engineering expands your career opportunities by allowing you to work in both rural and urban areas, and for a wide variety of employers.
Palabras clave/Temas
engineering, frestry, natural resources
Academic Bachelor
3 years
ECTS Puntos de crédito
ECTS 180
Conjunto de habilidades clave
engineering skills, forestry skills, natural resource management skills
forestry and hunting
Condiciones de entrada
Matura or vocational matura in a secondary school programme for forest technician and an examination in biology (matura subject), or an examination in any matura subject if the candidate has already passed the stated subject in the vocational matura; the selected subject may not be a subject which the candidate has already taken in the vocational matura; or school-leaving examination (prior to 1 June 1995) under any four-year secondary school programme.
Resultados de aprendizaje
Students will be able to: (general competences) master fundamental knowledge, integrate a variety of knowledge, chiefly from the natural science, technical and social studies fields, demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of forest ecosystems, work in a group and on projects, keep abreast of and develop literacy in the field of forestry IT, show environmental responsibility and an ethical attitude to nature, communicate with co-workers, owners and the public, pursue self-study and professional development, solve professional developmental problems and understand research work, use modern tools and skills, analyse, synthesise and plan, (job-specific competences) understand ecological, economic and social aspects of forest management, understand public and private interests in forest use, understand the dependence between forest growth areas, stands, ecological factors, the social environment and cultivation approaches, show familiarity with the morphological, horological, ecological and physiological characteristics of (forest) plants and the basics of genetics, forest seed production and nursery work, show familiarity with the geological base, forest floors and phytocoenoses, their role in forest ecosystems, master the French-Swiss methods for studying forest vegetation and apply phytocoenological findings in practice, determine the production capacity of forest growth areas and understand the structure of forest ecosystems, understand the evaluation of forest ecology data, understand and formulate forest cultivation plans, select and apply methods for analysing the habitat characteristics of wild game, population sizes and other population parameters, show familiarity with the population and ecology characteristics of forest-bound game species and the principles for conservation management of populations, show familiarity with harmful abiotic factors and biotic causes of disease to woody plants in forests, their symptoms, biology and ecology, show familiarity with the bionomy, ecology and importance of forest fauna for trees and forest, and especially show familiarity with rare and endangered animal species in forests and what makes them endangered, understand the technological chains in forestry, organise forestry production processes, evaluate safe work in forest production, understand the economic evaluation of forests and forest functions and market forest products, understand the planning of sustainable, co-natural and multi-purpose forest management, use GIS and remotely obtained data in forest inventories, use tools for geodetic measurements and GPS, obtain data and information, organise data using linear algebra and computer support, understand and use the basic methods of decision-making and optimising.