University of Primorska, Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

Nombre del programa educativo
Bachelor of agricultural engineering (Professional Bachelor)
Nivel EQF
Resumen breve
As an agricultural engineer, you'll use the latest technology to advance environmental issues and activities. Students have the opportunity to study machine components and equipment, testing agricultural machinery to ensure safety and performance and providing leadership on water and environmental concerns.
Palabras clave/Temas
agriculture, engineering, professional bachelor
Professional Bachelor
3 years
ECTS Puntos de crédito
ECTS 180
Conjunto de habilidades clave
agricultural skills, engineering skills, agricultural engineering
farm equipment
Condiciones de entrada
Anyone who has completed the following can enroll in the study programme: final exam in any four-year upper secondary school programme, vocational matura, general matura.
Resultados de aprendizaje
General competences: Mastering the professional terminology of the field. In-depth knowledge of global environmental issues. Knowledge and understanding of agricultural development policy in Slovenia, the EU and beyond. Ability to identify market needs. Ability to identify a problem and the ability to analytically solve problems using a variety of sources and an interdisciplinary approach. Ability to transfer knowledge from theory to practice. Autonomy for performing professional work in the field of biotechnology. Developed communication skills with knowledge of the use of modern information and communication systems. Developed the ability of critical and self-critical assessment and the creation of independent texts (articles, papers, assessments, discussions ...). Commitment to ethics and a developed sense of professionalism. Ability to critically verify information and anticipate solutions and consequences. Ability to work constructively with other professional profiles (team work). Subject-specific competences: Ability to describe the state and trends of agricultural production and the role of agriculture in rural development. Detailed knowledge of the complexity and vulnerability of the Mediterranean area. Ability to select an appropriate agricultural plant for cultivation according to the ecological conditions of the environment. Ability to plan and carry out plant production with basic and slightly more demanding technologies. Ability to organize the purchase of planting material, agricultural machinery and equipment. Ability to manage the genetic material of cultivated plants and perform basic valorization of the crop and agronomic characteristics of different agricultural plants. Management of basic animal husbandry and fisheries in the Mediterranean. Knowledge of key parameters of quality of agricultural products and foodstuffs, quality schemes, storage and manipulation. Ability to identify market requirements, determine and explain the basic performance indicators of agricultural production and explain business decisions. Management of trade in agricultural material. Ability to plan Start-up and independently run a family business with agricultural production. Ability to place new professional findings, information and interpretations in the context of the basic agronomic and zootechnical discipline. Use of information and communication technology in the professional field.