Secondary Vocational School Šibenik
Naziv obrazovnog programa
EQF razina
Kratki sažetak
The Florist procures, designs, arranges and sells all kinds of flowers.
Ključne riječi/teme
Decoration, flowers, florist
Publicly financed and free
of charge
Certificate of final work
3 years
ECTS kreditni bodovi
ECTS 180
Skup ključnih vještina
A florist must know the characteristics of florist production, in the world and in our country. Furthermore, he/she must know the types of ornamental plants, their growing conditions, and the way to maintain and store them. The florist must also have knowledge of the spatial and climatic conditions of growing flowers (nurseries, greenhouses, glasshouses, open areas) and know the growing interventions in floriculture. Knowledge of types of flowers (annual, biennial, perennial), methods of drying and preparation of flowers and herbs, elements of flower arrangement design, knowledge of technical and decorative accessories for arranging and care and maintenance of flower arrangements, cut flowers and potted plants is also required. A florist must be creative and have a sense of beauty. He/she should be patient, kind and communicative. He/she must also have good eyesight, the ability to distinguish between colors and brightness, and the ability to combine them harmoniously. A florist should carefully follow arrangement trends and discover new possibilities of expression with flowers.
Uvjeti za ulazak
Completed elementary school; Medical certificate of a specialist in occupational medicine
Ishodi učenja
The florist's task is also the professional supply of potted plants and cut flowers. The work of a florist includes the preparation of the substrate for sowing (picking and cultivation of annual and biennial flowers) and the daily care of the cultivation of flowers and ornamental plants until the moment of sale. The florist also provides advice to customers on the cultivation and maintenance of ornamental plants and flowers (watering, cutting, required amount of light, spraying, etc.). The florist makes flower arrangements, bouquets and wreaths to order or for direct sale, using the design elements of the flower arrangement, technical and decorative accessories.