Secondary school Bedekovčina
Naziv obrazovnog programa
Agricultural technician
EQF razina
Kratki sažetak
An Agricultural technician is a person who possesses specialized interdisciplinary knowledge that enables him/her to organize and implement plant and animal agricultural production in a conventional and ecological way.
Ključne riječi/teme
Agriculture, food, production
Publicly financed and free
of charge
Certificate of final work
4 years
ECTS kreditni bodovi
ECTS 240
Skup ključnih vještina
Analysis of business in agricultural production, Business planning in agriculture, Organization of production and preparation for work in agriculture, Assessment of the current state of agricultural production, Preparation of production resources for cultivation and production, Implementation of conventional and ecological plant production, Implementation of conventional and ecological animal production, Completion plant and animal production in a conventional and ecological way, Application of ICT technology in work processes and operations in agriculture, Keeping records and bookkeeping in agricultural production, Implementation of marketing activities in agriculture, Development of work communication during agricultural production, Implementation of agricultural production according to valid quality standards, Implementation of safety at work in order to preserve the health of people and the environment when performing agricultural work
crop and livestock production
Uvjeti za ulazak
Completed elementary school
Ishodi učenja
In order to carry out key tasks within the profession, the Agricultural Technician must possess a range of knowledge and skills in the field of agriculture: planning, organization, process management and execution of tasks on agricultural farms (OPG, trades, trading companies, cooperatives), in institutions (schools, institutes, agencies), in the field of production, finishing, processing and trade of products of plant and animal origin (livestock, fisheries, beekeeping and others). He/she can perform the above duties independently or as an employee. In the context of complex tasks, the Agrotechnician maintains work documentation and follows the legal regulations related to production, communicates with business partners and business associates, is continuously educated, acquiring professional knowledge in the application of new technologies and achievements in agricultural production. Must have communication skills, be cooperative and ready to cooperate with different institutions.