Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb

Naziv obrazovnog programa
EQF razina
Kratki sažetak
Phytomedicine students will acquire the necessary knowledge in the field of integrated and ecological protection of plants.
Ključne riječi/teme
Agriculture, plant protection, phytomedicine
Applicants who enroll for the first time in the first year of undergraduate studies do not pay participation in study costs. Applicants who were already enrolled in one of the regular study programs in the Republic of Croatia pay participation costs (€111
Diploma of Bachelor's degree in phytomedicine (univ.bacc.ing.agr.)
3 years
ECTS kreditni bodovi
ECTS 180
Skup ključnih vještina
Knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of agricultural production, the basic legality of growing certain crops and the key elements of integrated and ecological plant protection, as well as the legislative context of various plant protection systems. Independent search of literature, databases and other sources of information. The ability to design simpler experiments in the field of phytomedicine. To combine theoretical knowledge and practical skills when solving problems in the field of phytomedicine.
plant protection and conservation
Uvjeti za ulazak
Completed high school for at least 4 years, passed the state matriculation exam, properly registered at NISpVU
Ishodi učenja
Highlight the basic principles of agricultural production with an emphasis on the principles of plant protection. Describe the role and significance of plant protection in plant production and interpret the basic legal framework by which it is regulated. Describe non-pesticide methods of protecting agricultural crops from harmful organisms and distinguish between the key elements of conventional, integrated and ecological plant protection. Describe non-pesticide methods of protecting agricultural crops from harmful organisms and distinguish between the key elements of conventional, integrated and ecological plant protection. Differentiate the basic features of cultivation of arable, vegetable and woody crops and integrate plant protection measures into cultivation technology. Identify types of damages and estimate and calculate the value of direct and indirect damages from diseases, pests and weeds. Describe the morphology, anatomy and biology of the most important types of pests and group them into basic systematic categories. List and describe the features of the interaction of the plant protection agent with the soil, the plant and the environment. Determine harmful organisms based on external appearance and damage symptoms. List the basic features of individual groups of plant protection products. List the basic features of individual groups of plant protection products. Describe measures to control harmful organisms and the main methods of applying plant protection agents. Develop learning skills necessary for continuing studies and/or further lifelong education.