Centro de Competencias (MAPA, Universidad de Córdoba y Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)

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Naziv obrazovnog programa
Precision irrigation and efficient water management.
EQF razina
Kratki sažetak
It will allow participants to acquire adequate knowledge and skills to develop and apply their own technology in precision irrigation and efficient water management. In the different sessions of the course, the management of climatic data and calculation of needs will be dealt with through tools in the cloud, the application of artificial intelligence to the prediction of water demand and irrigation management or the use of environmental sensors and cultivation for the application of irrigation among other matters.
Ključne riječi/teme
Agriculture, Livestock
certificate of achievement
24 hours
ECTS kreditni bodovi
Not defined
Skup ključnih vještina
Knowledge and skills to develop and apply their own technology in precision irrigation and efficient water management. In the different sessions of the course, the management of climatic data and calculation of needs will be dealt with through tools in the cloud, the application of artificial intelligence to the prediction of water demand and irrigation management or the use of environmental sensors and cultivation for the application of irrigation among other matters.
food processing
Uvjeti za ulazak
Students: Maximum: 40. or Minimum: 25.
Ishodi učenja
Acquire adequate knowledge and skills to develop and apply own technology in precision irrigation and efficient water management. In the different sessions of the course, the management of climatic data and calculation of needs will be dealt with through tools in the cloud, the application of artificial intelligence to the prediction of water demand and irrigation management or the use of environmental sensors and cultivation for the application of irrigation among other matters.