
En línea
Naziv obrazovnog programa
Production of Pig Cattle. Pig breeding
EQF razina
Kratki sažetak
This course is made up of a series of topics that address the main existing pig breeds and crosses, the most outstanding nutritional characteristics and management techniques in this production system, including artificial insemination and management of piglets; iron application, castration, etc. There are other topics that address diseases, parasites and the main housing and facilities in industrial pig farms. The factors that determine the quality of the meat and the main management techniques, dimensions, housing, etc., are also important today to achieve better animal welfare. The last topic refers to another type of important pig farm, such as Iberian pig breeding, exposing the main characteristics of this system.
Ključne riječi/teme
Pig farming, swine farming, prolificacy, taxonomy, Sus scrofa, suidae, zootechnics, parasitosis, fattening, longevity, fecundity, morphology, breed standard, hybridization, subconcavilineous, PSE, spindle-shaped, rectilinear profile, droppings, excreted, phytase, volatilize, palletizing, prostration , boxes, fan heaters, liming, nebulization, slurry, grating, slat, weaning, farrowing, electrolytes, ad libitum, boar, root, urinate, silos, skylights, hoppers, compost, dextran, foot-and-mouth, loss of appetite, dysentery, biosecurity, enzootic, antimicrobials, tuberculosis, granulomas, anthrax, anthrax, brucellosis, leptospirosis, hypoglycemia, swine stress syndrome, exudative, necrosis, halothane-positive, rhinitis, mange, ivermectin, doramectin, amitraz, ascaris, helminths, trichinosis, lipid, myoglobin, metmyoglobin , oxymyoglobin, myofibrillar, sarcoplasmic, lactic, subconcave, hairless, entrepelada, stubble, herbizos, agostones, montanera, grazing, neurovascular, sapidity, mastitis, metritis, pellets, lipotrophic, polyestrous, oocytes, luteal, estrus, collectis, libido, blisters, casein, riboflavin, anoestrus, dextran, hemicellulose, gross energy (EB), digestible energy (DE), metabolizable energy (ME), net energy (NE), lysine, threonine, tryptophan, methionine, cystine, phytases, water-soluble, gilts, mycotoxins, flushing, colostrum, prebiotics.
Private certification
100 hours
ECTS kreditni bodovi
Not defined
Skup ključnih vještina
Knowledge in pig production at an industrial level, focusing on its intensive and extensive exploitation and on the breeding of the Iberian pig. Pork is one of the most consumed meats worldwide.
crop and livestock production
Uvjeti za ulazak
No conditions
Ishodi učenja
Upskilling on pig production