Postojna Education Centre, Higher Professional School
Naziv obrazovnog programa
Forestry and hunting engineer
EQF razina
Kratki sažetak
At the end of their training, Forestry and hunting engineers are trained to plan, monitor and manage work in forest production; to carry out work and tasks in the cultivation and protection of forests to a high standard; nto plan wildlife management to a high standard; to market forestry and timber products; to draw up harvesting plans to a high standard; to supervise work in a forest work site; to manage forests responsibly and to obtain dendrometric parameters and to use forestry machinery and equipment; to learn how to dela with wildlife and learn hunting skills.
Ključne riječi/teme
forestry, forest care, hunting
Short cycle higher vocational diploma
2 years
ECTS kreditni bodovi
ECTS 120
Skup ključnih vještina
forestry, forest care, hunting
forestry and hunting
Uvjeti za ulazak
Matura or vocational matura (previously school-leaving examination) or
master craftsman, foreman or managerial examination, three years of working experience and passed examinations in general education subjects in a scope determined for the vocational matura in secondary professional education.
Ishodi učenja
Students will be able to:
(general competences)
lead, plan and organise forestry and hunting activities and production,
work in a moral and ethical way involving honesty, accuracy and conscientiousness at work,
protect the landscape, physical space and environment,
cooperate in developing the profession and take on initiatives for introducing new features in the profession,
use a foreign language to keep abreast of technical developments abroad and to communicate with professional terminology,
use selected statistical methods for data processing,
organise and manage work processes in forestry and hunting,
communicate and reach agreements regarding business matters,
decide autonomously in professional and business matters and solve technical issues concerning forestry and hunting,
(specific vocational competences)
formulate and implement forest cultivation plans, participate in formulating forest cultivation plans for a commercial unit, felling and hauling plans and commercial hunting plans,
monitor the population development of wild animals and their alignment with the forest biotope, monitor and record the presence of rare animal and plant species and offer suggestions for their protection – including outside the forest and in the wider forest environment,
supervise areas in connection with acts and implementing regulations in the area of hunting and nature protection,
independently organise, coordinate and manage work in forest companies and private estates,
assure the quality of production processes and products in forestry ad hunting,
perform forestry and hunting tasks and procedures as part of the public forest service and hunting organisations,
use computer tools to plan work procedures and processes and to process data,
advise all interested parties in the area of forestry and hunting activities.