BC Naklo

Ime izobraževalnega programa
Arboricultural practical training
EQF level
Not Defined
Kratek povzetek
The training is an upgrade of the general and technical content in the field of ornamental tree care. The training aims to build on the content of the Introduction to Arboriculture training with the climbing techniques needed to perform tree work.
Ključne besede/teme
arboriculture, horticulture, tree care
Certificate describing the competences
51 hours
ECTS kreditne točke
Not defined
Nabor ključnih veščin
Identification of tree species and their needs in a permanent location, identification and advice on the selection of suitable tree species for a particular space and use in the space (avenue, hedge, ground cover, solitaire), identification of damage caused by external factors and advice on remedial work, carrying out tree care and determining the dynamics of care for each plant species, organising their work and that of the group, mastering climbing and safety techniques in dangerous situations, making ropes and knots, ensuring the hygiene of tools, work equipment and trees, ensuring the health of trees in private and public areas
Vstopni pogoji
The candidate must be employed
Učni izidi
Candidates are able to: identifying ornamental trees and their needs in the environment, knowing and advising on the selection of suitable trees for each space and use in the space (avenue, hedge, ground cover, solitaire), carrying out tree care and determining the dynamics of care for each plant species, identifying damage caused by external factors and advising on remedial work, organising own work and that of the team, - ensuring the hygiene of tools, work equipment and trees - ensuring the health of trees in private and public areas