Karlovac University of Applied Sciences

Ime izobraževalnega programa
Food technology (Milk processing)
EQF level
Kratek povzetek
The education of engineers in the field of food technology, with the recognition of professional specialization in dairying based on scientific, applied and development research with the aim of transferring knowledge and innovations to the economy.
Ključne besede/teme
Milk, dairy products, production
Regular students who enroll in the 1st year for the first time with the support of the Ministry of Science and Education do not pay the participation fee, it further depends on the achieved ECTS points (the threshold for obtaining a full subsidy is 55 ECT
Diploma of Bachelor's degree in food technology engineering (bacc. ing. techn. aliment.)
3 years
ECTS kreditne točke
ECTS 180
Nabor ključnih veščin
Acquiring all the competencies necessary for working in milk processing. Acquaintance with all the specific characteristics of processing milk into different dairy products; from cheese, yogurt, butter to ice cream. Implementation of acquired theoretical knowledge of the profession. The production of various traditional products, but also the development of new innovative ones. Specific practical knowledge of physico-chemical, microbiological and sensory analysis of products.
food processing
Vstopni pogoji
Completed high school for at least 4 years, passed the state matriculation exam, properly registered at NISpVU
Učni izidi
Recognize risks during food processing and handling and apply a proper sanitation plan in food production facilities, describe and define physico-chemical methods in quality control of food products, recognize pollution arising from food industries, and propose technology for the protection of food products according to pollution and the specifics of industry and the environment, prepare raw materials for the production of non-alcoholic beverages, know the necessary technological operations and machines, calculate the material balance and check the quality control of the finished product, distinguish between heat transfer methods and use thermal operations for the preservation of food products, describe important biochemical processes, the structure and activity of biologically important molecules, explain the types of water contamination and evaluate water quality according to the relevant Croatian and European legal regulations, explain the basics of drinking water conditioning and wastewater treatment, recognize the general properties of different v the growth of microorganisms, describe the conditions necessary for the cultivation and suppression of microbial growth and apply microbiological methods, describe the production of milk in the mammary gland, the basic ingredients and physicochemical properties of milk, recognize the causes of changes in the ingredients of milk and the specificity of certain types of milk, describe the rheological properties of milk and certain components that are part of the technological line, explain the methods of automation and energy sources in the dairy, and the way of maintaining hygiene, enumerate and describe the breeds of dairy cows, sheep and goats in Croatia, methods of feeding, breeding and keeping dairy animals, and work on a dairy farm, know the characteristics and the characteristics of packaging material and the interactions that occur between food and packaging material, describe the application of sensor methods in quality control and development of food products, define the main types and biochemical activity of microorganisms in milk, select appropriate microbial cultures for ferment production fermented milk and cheese of the desired properties, explain and describe the technological process of obtaining liquid and fermented milk products, different types of cheese and the methods of whey processing, explain and describe the technological process of obtaining butter, ice cream, condensed milk and milk powder, enumerate practical and legal ecological differences milk production from conventional milk production, explain the importance of organic milk production for sustainable development, and describe the importance of organic milk production for small farms, enumerate and describe the ways of keeping animals and feeding in organic milk production.