Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb

Ime izobraževalnega programa
Plant sciences
EQF level
Kratek povzetek
Plant Sciences students learn about the importance and use of arable, industrial and fodder crops, the creation of new varieties, seed production and the method of cultivation and implementation of all agrotechnical operations in accordance with the purpose of each crop.
Ključne besede/teme
Agriculture, plants, production
Applicants who enroll for the first time in the first year of undergraduate studies do not pay participation in study costs. Applicants who were already enrolled in one of the regular study programs in the Republic of Croatia pay participation costs (€111
Diploma of Bachelor's degree in plant sciences (univ.bacc.ing.agr)
3 years
ECTS kreditne točke
ECTS 180
Nabor ključnih veščin
Management of modern technological processes within plant production on an agricultural farm, Prepared for scientific training through graduate studies, Connecting theoretical knowledge with the real environment.
crop and livestock production
Vstopni pogoji
Completed high school for at least 4 years, passed the state matriculation exam, properly registered at NISpVU
Učni izidi
Describe the state and trends in agricultural production, especially in the narrower area of crop production, contemporary needs and trends in the sustainable development of rural areas and the role of crop production in these processes. To define the basics of production technology of arable, industrial, fodder and other crops and grassland management measures. Recognize and explain the needs for the production of food of plant origin for humans and animals, plant fibers for domestic work and industrial processing, and biomass for energy production. Recognize and describe problems in the production of arable, industrial, fodder and other crops and assess the impact of agroecological conditions on the yield and quality of arable crops. To select and recommend for cultivation crops and varieties/hybrids that correspond to specific agroecological conditions, and to evaluate the agronomic properties of new varieties and hybrids of field crops with the aim of making recommendations for production and business. Independently create technology for the production of arable, industrial and fodder crops and lead modern technological processes within related agricultural branches (vegetable, water, animal husbandry, etc.). Recognize suitable methods of plant breeding with the aim of selecting the best genotypes. Recommend appropriate seed production technology for field, industrial and fodder crops with the aim of maintaining the variety, as well as key measures of production technologies, storage and primary processing of field crops. Plan the production of agricultural crops, organize the procurement of raw materials, machinery and equipment. Recognize market requirements, calculate and explain the basic indicators of business success in crop production and argue production and business decisions. Manage the trade of raw materials and other equipment in agricultural plant production. Start and independently run a business on a family farm in the field of plant production. Present and explain problems in the production of arable and other crops using information and communication technology and propose solutions. Use previous knowledge in further formal and informal forms of education