Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb
Ime izobraževalnega programa
Ecological agriculture
EQF level
Kratek povzetek
A study whose main purpose is to educate students about food production according to consumer demands for organic products, and on the other hand it contributes to environmental protection and animal welfare and rural development.
Ključne besede/teme
Agriculture, ecology, environmental protection
Applicants who enroll for the first time in the first year of undergraduate studies do not pay participation in study costs. Applicants who were already enrolled in one of the regular study programs in the Republic of Croatia pay participation costs (€111
Diploma of Bachelor's degree in ecological agriculture (univ.bacc.ing.agr)
3 years
ECTS kreditne točke
ECTS 180
Nabor ključnih veščin
Basic knowledge about the place, roles and importance and irreplaceability of agriculture in future life. Knowledge and skills for solving complex tasks from ecological agriculture in various branches of industry and entrepreneurship.
agricultural management
Vstopni pogoji
Completed high school for at least 4 years, passed the state matriculation exam, properly registered at NISpVU
Učni izidi
Describe the characteristics, position and importance of ecological agriculture in relation to other management systems in agriculture. Identify and explain the role of conventional agriculture as a user of space and a source of environmental protection, and explain the indicators of the pressure of agriculture on the environment. Point out the advantages of the ecological energy balance compared to conventional agriculture. Recommend forms and argue the advantages of crop protection without the use of agrochemicals and plant nutrition measures based on the cultivation of legumes, green fertilization and optimal crop rotation. Recommend varieties and hybrids of plants suitable for ecological agriculture, as well as certain breeds (genotypes) of domestic animals suitable for ecological livestock production. identify the advantages and disadvantages of certain technologies in crop production and animal breeding. Argue the importance of ecological agriculture in preserving biological diversity and its contribution to the multifunctionality of agriculture. Explain the general guidelines for the standardization and recognition of organic farming products. Calculate and explain the basic economic indicators of ecological agricultural production. Propose and apply strategies for the preservation of plant and animal genetic resources and point out the importance of creating gene banks. Organize work and independently manage technological processes in ecological agriculture on your own farm, as well as within larger production systems. Recognize the problem, set research theses and participate in the creation of work in the domain of ecological agriculture. Independently present information, problems and solutions from the field of ecological agriculture using modern information and communication technology. Apply the acquired learning skills in the acquisition of new knowledge and understanding in the field of biotechnical sciences and for continuing education through formal and informal forms.