School of Horticulture and Visual Arts Celje

Ime izobraževalnega programa
Horticultural technician
EQF level
Kratek povzetek
A horticultural technician is trained to plan, manage, organise and promote horticultural work. The training combines theoretical and practical knowledge of plant production, landscaping, designing commercial and residential spaces with flowers, etc. The landscaped parks, plantations and gardens that delight and relax are also the work of trained horticultural technicians. Horticultural technicians are employed in nurseries, florists, greenhouses, orchards, nurseries, arboretums, botanical gardens, landscaping companies, etc.
Ključne besede/teme
horticulture, business
Vocational matura certificate
4 years
ECTS kreditne točke
ECTS 240
Nabor ključnih veščin
entrepreneurial skills, horticulture, plant care, business skills
Vstopni pogoji
Elementary school education or lower vocational education
Učni izidi
Certificate holders will be able to: plan business operations in horticultural production, observing the principles of sustainable development, make a simple business plan for a horticulture enterprise and make calculations, establish the conditions for producing vegetables, ornamental herbaceous plants and trees and for their propagation and care, safely handle harmful and hazardous materials and horticultural waste, use modern marketing approaches and market horticultural products and services, preserve natural assets and cultural heritage, protect and rationally use natural energy sources and raw materials, perform work independently, accurately and responsibly, cooperate in a group and communicate in writing and orally with co-workers, experts and clients, using the basic professional terminology in the field of horticulture, communicate with co-workers, clients and others in organising work, carrying out specific tasks and solving problems, use modern information and communication technology to communicate and to plan and organise cost-effective work and work procedures in the professional field, produce, tend and protect ornamental herbaceous plants and trees outdoors and in a protected space, observing the principles of health and environmental protection, and be familiar with their application, prepare the ground, set up constructed elements, and plant, tend and maintain green areas, apply basic knowledge of logistics in planning and implementing the flow of materials, services, information and finances from supplier to consumer in horticulture, recognise the causes of signs of disease and damage on ornamental herbaceous plants, vegetables, trees, fruit trees and berries in order to select appropriate measures and provide protection, formulate simple concepts, sketches, spatial drawings and plans of horticultural elements in the space, market and promote Slovene products and services, Elective: design and arrangement of the environment with plants, design of residential and commercial premises with flowers, design and arrangement of the natural, cultural and urban landscape, implementation of technological procedures for production of vegetables, herbs and fruit trees. Certificate holders supplement their key vocational knowledge and abilities with key general knowledge in line with national standards.