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Ime izobraževalnega programa
LIVESTOCK SANITARY EXPERT: Judicial Expert in Sanitary Control and Ecological Livestock + University Degree in Preparation of Expert Reports (Double Degree with 5 ECTS Credits)
EQF level
Kratek povzetek
- Know the functions, procedures, techniques and instruments of the Judicial Expertise. - Know the different types of Expertise that we can find. - Interpret the mediation system and its importance in the involvement of those affected.- Describe the different methods of heat detection and pregnancy confirmation normally used in organic farming. - Describe the management protocol for females in the prepartum, parturition and postpartum phases. - List the most important data that must be collected in the records and fill in the sheets and control parts of matings and farrowing stalls. - List the main preventive measures that are routinely adopted in organic farming to maximize their health status. - Identify mandatory control actions describing vaccinations and deworming. - Apply preventive treatments against diseases.
Ključne besede/teme
Organic livestock production / Judicial Expert / Livestock.
Qualification that accredits to practice in the Courts and Tribunals allowing all the students of EUROINNOVA INTERNATIONAL ONLINE EDUCATION the inclusion as Professional Associate in ASPEJURE - Professional Association of Judicial Experts of the Kingdom o
425 hours
ECTS kreditne točke
Not defined
Nabor ključnih veščin
- Know the functions, procedures, techniques and instruments of the Judicial Expertise. - Know the different types of Expertise that we can find. - Interpret the mediation system and its importance in the involvement of those affected.- Describe the different methods of heat detection and pregnancy confirmation normally used in organic farming. - Describe the management protocol for females in the prepartum, parturition and postpartum phases. - List the most important data that must be collected in the records and fill in the sheets and control parts of matings and farrowing stalls. - List the main preventive measures that are routinely adopted in organic farming to maximize their health status. - Identify mandatory control actions describing vaccinations and deworming. - Apply preventive treatments against diseases.
crop and livestock production
Vstopni pogoji
No conditions
Učni izidi
This Course of Judicial Expert in Sanitary Control and Ecological Livestock prepares you to obtain the necessary knowledge to intervene as an Expert in the courts and Tribunals of Justice, especially in the civil and criminal sphere. Article 335.1 of the LEC (Law 1/2000, of January 7, on Civil Procedure) refers to this figure and establishes that: "When scientific, artistic, technical or practical knowledge is necessary to assess relevant facts or circumstances in the matter or acquire certainty about them, the parties could contribute to the process the opinion of experts who have the corresponding knowledge..." With this Course of Judicial Expert you will be able to practice before demands of Individuals and Companies, Administration and Justice. The student, at the end of the course, will obtain a Diploma that will allow him to register as a Professional Associate in ASPEJURE and be able to practice in the Courts and Tribunals. It is a suitable course for the access to the Lists of the Courts.