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Ime izobraževalnega programa
EXPERIMENTAL ANIMALS COURSE: UF2465 Research with Experimental Animals
EQF level
Kratek povzetek
The objectives to be achieved by carrying out this Course on Experimental Animals are the following: - Apply techniques for administering substances to animals and recording data, according to established protocols, safety regulations and risk prevention. - Specify factors that can interfere with the results of the experimental procedures, specifying abnormal animal signs and behaviors that must be detected so as not to alter the results of the procedures. - Analyze signs of suffering, pain and anguish in experimental animals, relating them to the alteration of physiological parameters. - Apply necropsy techniques in animals used in experimentation, collecting tissue samples and recording the data according to procedures for their postmortem evaluation. - Apply techniques for obtaining and storing research data through the use of manual and electronic systems
Ključne besede/teme
Farms, biological experimentation laboratories, hospital research, pharmaceuticals, research institutes and toxicology and environmental centers, companies that supply animals for experimentation
certificate of achievement
90 hours
ECTS kreditne točke
Not defined
Nabor ključnih veščin
- Apply techniques for administering substances to animals and recording data, according to established protocols, safety regulations and risk prevention. - Specify factors that can interfere with the results of the experimental procedures, specifying abnormal animal signs and behaviors that must be detected so as not to alter the results of the procedures. - Analyze signs of suffering, pain and anguish in experimental animals, relating them to the alteration of physiological parameters. - Apply necropsy techniques in animals used in experimentation, collecting tissue samples and recording the data according to procedures for their postmortem evaluation. - Apply techniques for obtaining and storing research data through the use of manual and electronic systems
crop and livestock production
Vstopni pogoji
No conditions
Učni izidi
This training conforms to the training itinerary of the Training Unit UF2465 Research with Experimental Animals, belonging to Training Module MF1737_3 Experimental Procedures with Animals, certifying having passed the different Competence Units included in it, and is aimed at accreditation of the Professional Competences acquired through work experience and non-formal training, through which you will opt to obtain the corresponding Certificate of Professionalism, through the respective calls published by the different Autonomous Communities, as well as by the Ministry of Labor (Royal Decree 1224/2009 for the recognition of professional skills acquired through work experience).