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Ime izobraževalnega programa
Cultivation of Extensive Herbaceous. The cereals. Corn, rice, wheat, barley, sorghum
EQF level
Kratek povzetek
During this course, it is intended to give an overview of the importance that extensive arable crops have in the economy of many countries. Within this large group of crops, those that acquire the greatest importance are cereals, fundamental both in human and animal nutrition and as raw material in numerous industries. Each of the topics that make up this course focus on the most important cereal species worldwide, highlighting their morphological and environmental characteristics, main existing varieties and cultivation techniques, among which stand out; the work of preparing the land, planting, fertilizing, irrigation and harvesting. There will also be a section in which the main pests and diseases will be collected, together with the physiopathies present in each of the crops.
Ključne besede/teme
production system, intensive, extensive, fallow, rotation, herbculture, arable land, pasture, common wheat, durum wheat, barley, oats, rye, rice, maize, sweet corn, sorghum, triticale, millet, buckwheat, birdseed, grasses, roots seedlings, cord roots, fasciculated root, winter cereals, node, tillering, spike, culm, sheath, blade, ligule, stipules, inflorescence, panicle, spikelet, glumillae, lemma, palea, bracts, glumes, rachis, lodicules, glomeruli, fruit indehiscent, caryopsis, pericarp, bran, endocarp, testa, germ, embryo, scutellum, embryonic axis, epiblast, aleurone, cluster, silos, coleorhiza, coleoptile, germination, rhizome, vernalization, photoperiod, anthesis, lodging, asurado, heat stroke, plow, mouldboard, disc plow, chisel plow, threshing, cob, spathes, postharvest, cyclones, transilage, starch, biofuel, technological quality, autogamous, gluten, epidermis, hypodermis, spiked, quintal, vitreous wheats, earliness, subsole o, seeding, broadcast, colloid, dicot, smut, rust, soros, pustules, perithecae, sooty mold, grits, semolina, teosinte, backcross, coarse, pylorhiza, starchy, polyphagous blight, anthracnose, monocot, barley two-run, barley six-run , malt, unifloras, bioethanol, physiological maturity, awns, evapotranspiration, aflatoxins, ergotamine, parenchyma, larva, rhynchosporosis, helminthosporosis, wheat blight, physiopathy, pedicle, pedicels, albumen, cargo rice, paddy rice, paddy rice, flag leaf, self-pollination , cross pollination, facultative hydrophyte, blanching, white rice, polishing, parboiled rice, glutinous rice, hypoallergenic, puddling, hatchlings, saprophytic, piricularin, hypoxia, anoxia, hydrogen sulfide stress, compost, dourin, phytotoxic, chelate, chlamydospores, monogastric, ruminant , millo, panizo, corn, jojoto, tlayoli.
Private certification
120 hours
ECTS kreditne točke
Not defined
Nabor ključnih veščin
Cereal extensive production
Vstopni pogoji
No conditions
Učni izidi
Upskilling on Cereal extensive production