Naklo Biotechnology Centre, Higher Professional School, Grm Novo mesto – Centre for Biotechnology and Tourism, Higher Professional School, Nova Gorica Education Centre, Higher Professional School, Ptuj Education Centre, Higher Professional School, Šentjur

Ime izobraževalnega programa
Agricultural and landscape engineer
EQF level
Kratek povzetek
Agri-business technicians are trained in different areas of agriculture to enable them to plan, manage, monitor and carry out work independently in crop and livestock production and complementary activities. They also acquire entrepreneurial skills during their training. Agribusiness technicians can be employed on farms, estates, agricultural cooperatives, shops, rural development agencies, garden centres, etc.
Ključne besede/teme
Interdisciplinary educational activities/outcomes, mainly agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary medicine
Short cycle higher vocational diploma
2 years
ECTS kreditne točke
ECTS 120
Nabor ključnih veščin
Interdisciplinary educational activities/outcomes, mainly agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary medicine
agricultural management
Vstopni pogoji
Matura or vocational matura (previously school-leaving examination) or master craftsman, foreman or managerial examination, three years of working experience and passed examinations in general education subjects in a scope determined for the vocational matura in secondary professional education.
Učni izidi
Students will be able to: (general competences) develop a moral and ethical sense for honesty, accuracy and conscientiousness at work, independently decide on the selection and use of raw materials and materials in production, manage, plan, organise and supervise technological and production units, use a foreign language to keep abreast of technical developments abroad and to communicate with professional terminology, develop aesthetic appearances, communicate for successful work with people in Slovenia and elsewhere, (specific vocational competences) understand the co-dependence of natural, ecological, technological, economic, social and cultural factors in the countryside and their importance for sustainable development, assure the quality of agricultural crops, products and services and take account of modern requirements and the needs of consumers, use environment-friendly farming technology and alternative energy sources in various ways, effectively organise, implement and monitor agricultural production, processing and the further processing of agricultural products and other activities in the countryside, design an integrated marketing strategy, brand and promotion as methods of marketing in agriculture and in other rural activities, manage the sale of agricultural crops and services and products from supplementary activities.