University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty

Ime izobraževalnega programa
Engineering diploma in forestry
EQF level
Kratek povzetek
Forest Engineering prepares you with the skills and knowledge required to implement complex forest and natural resource operations. Forest Engineering/Civil Engineering expands your career opportunities by allowing you to work in both rural and urban areas, and for a wide variety of employers.
Ključne besede/teme
engineering, frestry, natural resources
Professional Bachelor
3 years
ECTS kreditne točke
ECTS 180
Nabor ključnih veščin
engineering skills, forestry skills, natural resource management skills
forestry and hunting
Vstopni pogoji
Matura or vocational matura; or school-leaving examination (prior to 1 June 1995) under any four-year secondary school programme.
Učni izidi
(general competences) understand fundamental knowledge, synthesise knowledge from the natural science, technical and social studies fields, demonstrate social responsibility and a commitment to professional ethics, communicate with co-workers, owners and the public, participate in project work, keep abreast of development in the field of forestry IT, keep abreast of the results of research work, organise, prepare and carry out work, analyse, plan practically and implement, autonomously work in a professional manner and show self-critical judgement, show familiarity with the structure of forest ecosystems, (job-specific competences) show familiarity with the ecological, social and production roles of forests, understand the differences between ownership categories in forest management and adapt to them, understand and be familiar with forest business planning, show familiarity with regulations in the areas of nature protection and environmental protection that affect forest management, be familiar with tree and bush species, especially their distribution, morphology and ecological needs, show familiarity with the main forest systems and their rejuvenation ecology, show familiarity with endangered forest plants and animals and vulnerable minority ecosystems, and adapt management to this, show familiarity with forest-related species of wild game and understand the connections between them and the plant component of the forest, show familiarity with abiotic factors that cause damage in forests, show familiarity with the causes of disease or biotic damage to forest dendroflora, show familiarity with forest protection measures, understand the development and growth of stands, measure stands, use GIS tools and other modern measuring instruments and technology, show familiarity with the market for forest timber varieties, determine the felling maturity of stands and parts of stands, understand the connection between the structure of the forest, growing conditions and cultivation measures, produce a forest cultivation plan, produce a felling and hauling plan, select trees for felling (taking account of the widest possible role of the forest), plan and implement care for a young forest, organise and lead forestry production processes, show familiarity with bucking timber, faults in timber and standards in the sale of forest timber varieties, advise forest owners about the sale of timber, plan and construct secondary forest roads, show familiarity with optimal maintenance of forest roads.