University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty

Ime izobraževalnega programa
Diploma in agronomy and horticultural engineering
EQF level
Kratek povzetek
The Agronomy and horticultural engineering program combines agriculture with engineering to ensure there is a good environment for farming, clena water, renewable energy and a healthy environment. Students will learn how to design resourceful solutions to technical problems involving agriculture, ecosystems protection, food safety and biosecurity and human health. They may also learn about systems to transform biological waste into energy solutions and processes to detect or eliminate human pathogens from food products.
Ključne besede/teme
horticulture, agronomy, engineering
Professional Bachelor
3 years
ECTS kreditne točke
ECTS 180
Nabor ključnih veščin
agricultural skills, engineering skills, agricultural engineering
agricultural management
Vstopni pogoji
Matura or vocational matura; or school-leaving examination (prior to 1 June 1995) under any four-year secondary school programme.
Učni izidi
Students will be able to: (general competences) master theoretical and applied technical knowledge enabling the implementation, supervision and management of agronomic and horticultural technological processes and procedures through analysis and synthesis of a sustainable paradigm of production, adapt agronomic and horticultural technological processes and procedures to changes in the natural and economic environment, master basic quantitative and qualitative methods for monitoring agronomic and horticultural technological processes and procedures, transfer professionally and communicatively professional knowledge and skills to real agronomic and horticultural production systems, ensure independent and autonomous professional implementation, supervision and management of agronomic and horticultural technological processes and procedures, creatively use information technology, master communication skills and pursue professional intra-disciplinary and interdisciplinary dialogue in adopting and implementing technological decisions, (subject-specific competences) know and understand the development of the study of agriculture and its increasingly intra-disciplinary component breakdown, know and understand the principle of sustainable development of agronomy and horticulture and the best-practice principle as an aspect of its implementation, master the theoretical basis, analytical procedures and methods in the field of natural science: botany, mathematics, chemistry, pedology, genetics, biotechnology; and of technology: fruit growing, wine growing, horticulture, ornamental plants, field cultivation, grass cultivation and economics required in professional work, know specific biotic and abiotic factors of production and understand their mutual connection, link together fundamental knowledge in the field of biotic and abiotic production factors with agronomic and horticultural technologies, know, understand and implement principles of good agronomic and horticultural practices, know and understand the principles and apply the methods for monitoring the economic efficiency of production in conditions of a market economy and global competition, systematically monitor sources of professional information and select and apply it as appropriate, develop and master practical skills that enable the independent implementation of all phases of agronomic and horticultural technological processes in different technological orientations (conventional, integrated, organic production), independently and effectively use information and communication technology.